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2025-02-27 16:47:16.AIbase.15.8k
International Standard for Elderly Care Robots Released, Led by China
According to CCTV News, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recently released an international standard for elderly care robots, spearheaded by China. This marks a new development stage for the elderly care robot industry. The standard, IEC63310, is titled "Performance criteria for active assisted living robots for use in interconnected home environments." Developed based on the physiological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly, this standard provides crucial guidelines for the design, manufacturing, testing, and certification of various elderly care robots. The release of this standard aims to meet the needs of the elderly...

2025-02-27 14:16:52.AIbase.15.8k
China Leads in the Release of International Standard for Robot + Elderly Care, Addressing Global Aging
On February 27th, according to CCTV reports, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recently officially released the international standard for elderly care robots (IEC63310 "Performance Standard for Active Assistive Living Robots Used in Interconnected Home Environments") spearheaded by China. This standard, based on the physiological, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of the elderly, focuses on the needs and characteristics of the elderly in daily life and health care in interconnected home environments, providing a benchmark for the design, manufacturing, testing, and certification of elderly care robots. World Health Organization data shows that it is expected that by 2050...